About travel in time: or on how to hunt a charlatan.

Time travel in literary fiction or in the cinema can be fascinating, because in fiction the stage is not what is important, but what the author wants to convey about the characters, about the world we live in, their existential concerns or about life itself. If, in those fictitious travels in time, there is a good, a bad and an ugly, the thing is done. For example, The Walking Dead was a very bad, extremely bad series until at the end of the Sixth Season and the beginning of the Seventh appeared the character of Negan and the Saviors, then appeared the true conflict that brought the drowsiness out of the spectators. However, in science, especially in physics, time travel is nothing more than cheap quackery. One can distinguish when a physicist can be considered a serious scientist and when he is simply a charlatan. A charlatan will invariably talk about time travel, Einstein's relativity, gravitational waves, superlight speeds, negative masses, and other bullshit. S...